Passenger Info
If the passenger’s journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure the Montreal Convention may be applicable and the Convention governs and in most cases limits the liability of carriers for death or personal injury and for delay, loss of or damage to baggage. See notices headed “Advice to International Passengers on Limitation of Liability” and “Notice of Baggage Liability Limitations - International and Domestic.”
As used herein, "carriage" is equivalent to "transportation," "carrier" means any air carrier that carries or undertakes to carry the passenger or his baggage hereunder or perform any other service incidental to such air carriage, and "Montreal Convention" means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, adopted on May 28, 1999 at Montreal, Canada. Carriage is subject to the rules and limitations relating to liability established by the Montreal Convention unless such carriage is not "international carriage" as defined by the Convention, and “ticket” means this Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check, of which these conditions and the foregoing notices and advice form a part. Any exclusion or limitation of liability of carrier shall apply to and be for the benefit of employees, agents and representatives of carrier and any person whose aircraft is used by carrier for carriage and its employees, agents and representatives.
Passengers with disabilities are encouraged to make direct contact with carrier at their earliest convenience to advise carrier of such accommodations as may be necessary in light of the passenger’s disability. In particular, communication of requests for specific seating accommodations is encouraged at the earliest opportunity.
Checked baggage will be delivered to the bearer of the baggage check. In case of damage to baggage moving in international transportation, complaint must be made in writing to carrier forthwith after discovery of damage and, at the latest, within seven days from receipt; in case of delay, complaint must be made within 21 days from date the baggage was delivered. See additional information below regarding baggage liability, weight and size limitations.
Carrier undertakes to carry passengers and baggage with reasonable dispatch. Times of departure and arrival are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract of carriage. Carrier may without notice substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, and may alter or omit stopping places in case of necessity. Times of operation are subject to change without notice. Carrier assumes no responsibility for making connections. Passenger seating assignments, if any, are subject to change to accommodate the needs of passengers with disabilities or for operational reasons. Passengers shall comply with Government travel requirements, present exit, entry and other required documents and arrive at airport by time fixed by carrier. No employee, agent or representative of carrier or any other party has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of this contract of carriage. CARRIER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE CARRIAGE TO ANY PERSON WHOSE CONDITION CREATES A HAZARD TO HIMSELF OR OTHERS.
Carrier recommends arriving at the airport 2½ hours prior to scheduled time of departure. You must check in at the designated location at least two hours prior to your scheduled time of departure; if you do not, your transportation for that segment is subject to cancellation. You must be in the boarding area 45 minutes prior to scheduled departure. The aircraft doors will close 10 minutes prior to scheduled departure. A valid government-issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, is required upon check-in for any passenger age eighteen (18) or over. For international travel, at time of boarding, each passenger must be in possession of a valid passport and all other required travel documents or boarding will be denied.
Passengers are prohibited from taking liquids, gels, and/or aerosols through security screening checkpoints EXCEPT one clear transparent resealable 1-quart (1-liter) plastic bag containing liquids, gels and/or aerosols in containers of 3.4 ounces (100ml) capacity or less per container that fit easily in the bag. The plastic bag must be completely closed/sealed and subjected to x-ray inspection. Liquids (including juice) or gels for diabetic or other medical needs, medications, and baby formula and baby food in containers, if a baby or small child is traveling, not contained in a clear transparent re-sealable 1 quart (1 liter) plastic bag or over 3.4 ounces (100ml) may be carried onboard but must be declared to security personnel at the screening checkpoint. Breast milk is in the same category as liquid medications. A mother flying without her child will be permitted to bring breast milk through the checkpoint, provided it is declared prior to screening.
Each passenger is ordinarily permitted to check up to two pieces of baggage. The total outside dimensions (length + width + height) of each piece of checked baggage may not exceed 80 inches. Each passenger is allowed to board the aircraft with one piece of carry-on baggage plus a small personal article such as a purse or briefcase in his or her possession. Total outside dimensions (length + width + height) of the carry-on bag may not exceed 45 inches, and the bag must fit under a passenger seat or in an enclosed overhead bin. Items such as jewelry, cash, electronics, business documents, prescription drugs, car keys, house keys, irreplaceable photographs and similar items should not be placed in checked baggage but should be kept in the passenger’s personal possession at all times. Under no circumstances may hazardous materials, dangerous goods, or articles that may not lawfully be brought into the country of destination be included in checked or carry-on baggage, or otherwise transported.
If you’re traveling with high value, fragile or perishable items, we recommend keeping them in carry-on bags or personal items rather than checked bags. If you choose to pack high value, fragile or perishable items in your checked bags for travel within the U.S., we’re not liable for the loss of, damage to or delay in delivery of such items. For most international travel, our liability for loss, delay, or damage to checked and carry-on baggage is limited.
Carrier will accept as baggage the passenger's personal property subject to the above and the following conditions: (a) All baggage including its contents is subject to inspection. (b) Carrier will accept cloth, canvas, vinyl and other soft-sided bags as checked baggage but accepts no responsibility or liability for damage to such baggage or its contents, except as required by applicable international treaty. (c) Carrier will accept as baggage such personal property as is necessary or appropriate for the wear, use, comfort, or convenience of the passenger on his or her trip. (d) The following are examples of items which are valuable, fragile, perishable or otherwise unsuitable as checked baggage for which we recommend storage in carry-on baggage: eyeglasses and contact lenses; electronic items, including televisions, radios, phonographs, computers, and tape recorders; musical instruments; ornamental items and collectables, including jewelry, wigs, wig boxes, antiques, silverware, clocks, and watches; artistic items, including paintings, prints, rugs, and statuary; photographic items, including cameras, tripods, and lenses; camping equipment; china, glassware, and pottery; drones; keys; irreplaceable items; money, gift cards, and gift certificates; natural fur products; precious metals and stones; religious items; items made of paper, including decorations, manuscripts, books, personal papers, and business documents; perishable or edible items, including fruits, vegetables, chocolates and dairy products; live plants; perishable chemical products, including film and x-ray-plates; light sensitive materials; and all medicines, drugs and toiletries. While this list includes examples of some items considered high value, fragile or perishable, these items are not limited to only what’s on this list.
Claims for delayed or damaged bags or their contents should be made at the arrival airport before leaving the airport. Carrier is not liable for any damage that results from an inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage. In that respect, luggage by nature is designed to contain and protect its contents; Carrier is not responsible for, and no claim will be accepted for, any damage caused by normal wear and tear on the luggage.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract of carriage, to the maximum extent permitted by law, no action shall be commenced for loss of, damage to or delay in delivery of property or baggage or on any other claim including personal injury or death arising out of, or in connection with, transportation furnished by carrier, or for failure to transport any passenger, property or baggage, unless notice of the claim is presented in writing to carrier within seven days from the date of receipt of baggage in the case of a claim for baggage or property delay or damage; or 21 days from the date of flight arrival in the case of a claim for lost baggage or property; or 21 days after the alleged occurrence in the case of any other claim. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any legal action for recovery of damages shall be barred unless such action is commenced within two years after the alleged occurrence.